Many new developments came out of the release of new Pokémon yesterday, so let's get you up to date!
NEW POKÉMON: Twenty-three new Pokémon became available in Pokémon GO yesterday. They are the following species:
- Whismur, Loudred, Exploud
- Nosepass
- Aron, Lairon, Aggron
- Numel, Camerupt
- Torkoal
- Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon
- Cacnea, Cacturne
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Baltoy, Claydol
- Lileep, Cradily
- Anorith, Armaldo
NEW REGION EXCLUSIVES: As with every other major wave of Generation 3, new region-exclusive Pokémon have been introduced. First is Torkoal, who has only been reported in India and other nearby countries in south / southwest Asia.
Solrock and Lunatone have also been confirmed as regionally-locked Pokémon. Solrock is available in Seviper and Plusle's region, while Lunatone is available in Zangoose and Minun's region. The Pokémon Company has said that Solrock and Lunatone will migrate eventually, so don't fret.
A NEW SHINY FAMILY: The streak of new Shiny Pokémon continues with this update! Shiny variants of Aron, Lairon, and Aggron are now available. Their gray parts turn a teal-ish color, and their eyes turn red. This comes in the wake of the announcement of the next featured Pokémon for Community Day, where many Trainers expect even more Shiny Pokémon to be released next month.
A NEW RAID BOSS: Aggron is certainly getting a lot of love with this update! In additon to getting its Shiny variant released, it is now a Tier 4 Raid Boss! The Raid Boss Chart has been updated with information about Aggron.
MINI-EVENT: Niantic has announced there is some sort of a miniature event going on until the end of the month. Super Incubators are on sale for 200 PokéCoins, which is a mediocre deal. Also, all Eggs acquired during this time will only hatch a Pokémon from the Hoenn Region.
Speaking of Eggs, we need you help to identify the possible new hatches, Trainers! We have pinned a Tweet on our page to submit reports of new Egg hatches (@PNN_APTV). At this point, we've only been able to confirm that Trapinch comes from 10KM Eggs.
Thanks for reading, Trainers. We're looking forward to seeing your Egg reports!
NEW POKÉMON: Twenty-three new Pokémon became available in Pokémon GO yesterday. They are the following species:
- Whismur, Loudred, Exploud
- Nosepass
- Aron, Lairon, Aggron
- Numel, Camerupt
- Torkoal
- Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon
- Cacnea, Cacturne
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Baltoy, Claydol
- Lileep, Cradily
- Anorith, Armaldo
NEW REGION EXCLUSIVES: As with every other major wave of Generation 3, new region-exclusive Pokémon have been introduced. First is Torkoal, who has only been reported in India and other nearby countries in south / southwest Asia.
Solrock and Lunatone have also been confirmed as regionally-locked Pokémon. Solrock is available in Seviper and Plusle's region, while Lunatone is available in Zangoose and Minun's region. The Pokémon Company has said that Solrock and Lunatone will migrate eventually, so don't fret.
A NEW SHINY FAMILY: The streak of new Shiny Pokémon continues with this update! Shiny variants of Aron, Lairon, and Aggron are now available. Their gray parts turn a teal-ish color, and their eyes turn red. This comes in the wake of the announcement of the next featured Pokémon for Community Day, where many Trainers expect even more Shiny Pokémon to be released next month.
A NEW RAID BOSS: Aggron is certainly getting a lot of love with this update! In additon to getting its Shiny variant released, it is now a Tier 4 Raid Boss! The Raid Boss Chart has been updated with information about Aggron.
MINI-EVENT: Niantic has announced there is some sort of a miniature event going on until the end of the month. Super Incubators are on sale for 200 PokéCoins, which is a mediocre deal. Also, all Eggs acquired during this time will only hatch a Pokémon from the Hoenn Region.
Speaking of Eggs, we need you help to identify the possible new hatches, Trainers! We have pinned a Tweet on our page to submit reports of new Egg hatches (@PNN_APTV). At this point, we've only been able to confirm that Trapinch comes from 10KM Eggs.
Thanks for reading, Trainers. We're looking forward to seeing your Egg reports!