After much waiting, the global Celebi research has finally been announced!
The Special Research to help Professor Willow #SearchForCelebi is coming on Monday, August 20! Along with it will come an increase in spawns from the Johto Region and Johto-themed Field Research.
The Style Shop is getting in on the Johto fun, too. A Celebi T-shirt will be available for free. Additionally, Trainer outfits from Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver will be unlocked as you progress with your Johto medal. If these clothing items follow the trend of the other unlockables, you will still need to pay some PokéCoins for the clothing once you unlock them.
The Celebi research may be going worldwide, but you must have met a requirement first. In order to start progression on this Special Research, you must have completed the first three stages of Mew's Special Research.
For those of you who already have Celebi through the GO Fest quest, you can also complete this quest. However, it does not appear that you will be able to catch a second Celebi. The reward seems to be only "a new bounty of Candy to power up your Celebi."
For those of you who already have Celebi through the GO Fest quest, you can also complete this quest. However, it does not appear that you will be able to catch a second Celebi. The reward seems to be only "a new bounty of Candy to power up your Celebi."
Do remember that Registeel is leaving later today. More specifically, the Raid Eggs that contain Registeel will stop appearing atop Gyms at 4:00 PM EDT / 1:00 PM PDT today. Regirock is expected to take over from there, but Niantic has not explicitly stated the replacement yet.
EDIT: Regirock has been confirmed to be the next Legendary Raid Boss. It and some other Raid Bosses (mostly themed around Pokémon who gain evolutions in Generation 4) are now available.
EDIT: Regirock has been confirmed to be the next Legendary Raid Boss. It and some other Raid Bosses (mostly themed around Pokémon who gain evolutions in Generation 4) are now available.
Following the large delay after Pokémon GO Fest for Celebi's announcement, many people were speculating online that Celebi would be the Ultra Bonus for the research challenge, or at least part of it. With Celebi coming on August 20, that theory has been thrown out of the window. That makes us even more excited to see what mysteries lay behind that final box. But we'll refrain from speculating to what the mysterious reward is here.
Thanks for reading, Trainers!