The Pokémon GO Safari Zone has begun in Yokosuka, Japan, bringing Shiny Wingull and the chance at Shiny Moltres.
As a surprised feature, attendees of the event will get to complete some Special Research. No Mythical Pokémon is rewarded from this research, but the rewards are pretty dang good! Rewards include encounters of Metagross, Gardevoir, and Slaking; Rare Candy; 100,000 Stardust; and more!
Unown and Tropius are currently spawning in Japan. Tropius is, obviously, a region-exclusive Pokémon not normally found in Japan. The Unown at the event are spelling out "Go Yokosuka!". Speaking of Unown, some are also spawning at PAX West in Seattle.
Wingull is also spawning in increased numbers in Japan, including its newly-released Shiny form. Shiny Wingull is available worldwide, but the increased rates similar to that of Roselia, Plusle, and Minun from earlier this summer won't start until September 1.
Wingull is also spawning in increased numbers in Japan, including its newly-released Shiny form. Shiny Wingull is available worldwide, but the increased rates similar to that of Roselia, Plusle, and Minun from earlier this summer won't start until September 1.
Yesterday Niantic gave us some more clarity on the bonuses we can unlock for the final leg of Professor Willow's Global Challenge. Firstly, they revealed that the Stardust bonuses, if unlocked, will be active from September 3 at 1:00 PM PDT to September 10 at 1:00 PM PDT.
Secondly, they confirmed the expectation that the bonus reward for this leg of the challenge will be Moltres Day! The event will be on September 8. Much like Articuno and Zapdos Days, every Gym will sport a three-hour Legendary Raid, the amount of daily Raid Passes will be upped to five, and the Shiny variant of the featured Legendary Pokémon will be released.
In addition to Moltres getting access to its Shiny form, it will also get an exclusive move. Moltres will get access to Sky Attack, which should make Moltres one of the best Flying-type attackers. With Moltres getting Sky Attack, Zapdos getting Thunder Shock, and Articuno getting Hurricane (which was, unfortunately, exclusive to Articuno's belated event in Japan), we can assume any future "Raid Days" will also give their featured Pokémon an exclusive move.
Secondly, they confirmed the expectation that the bonus reward for this leg of the challenge will be Moltres Day! The event will be on September 8. Much like Articuno and Zapdos Days, every Gym will sport a three-hour Legendary Raid, the amount of daily Raid Passes will be upped to five, and the Shiny variant of the featured Legendary Pokémon will be released.
In addition to Moltres getting access to its Shiny form, it will also get an exclusive move. Moltres will get access to Sky Attack, which should make Moltres one of the best Flying-type attackers. With Moltres getting Sky Attack, Zapdos getting Thunder Shock, and Articuno getting Hurricane (which was, unfortunately, exclusive to Articuno's belated event in Japan), we can assume any future "Raid Days" will also give their featured Pokémon an exclusive move.
Thanks for reading, Trainers!
SOURCE: Community Reports, Niantic, Serebii