A few headlines have been made in the realm of Pokémon GO in recent days. Here's a rundown.
The Ultra Bonus event has entered its second phase. This week features the following:
We've also had the addition of four new Pokémon to the wild. Raid-exclusive Mawile and Absol and Egg-exclusive Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Sandshrew have been spotted in the wild. At this time it is unclear whether or not this is a permanent addition to the wild spawn roster or one just for the event. In any case, all four of these Pokémon (plus the Kanto regionals) can be found in their Shiny variants out in the wild.
- All four Deoxys forms are able to be challenged in regular Legendary Raids.
- The Kanto region-exclusive Pokémon--Tauros, Mr. Mime, Kangaskhan, and Farfetch'd--can now be hatched out of 7KM Eggs until the end of the Ultra Bonus.
- Incubator effectiveness is doubled.
We've also had the addition of four new Pokémon to the wild. Raid-exclusive Mawile and Absol and Egg-exclusive Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Sandshrew have been spotted in the wild. At this time it is unclear whether or not this is a permanent addition to the wild spawn roster or one just for the event. In any case, all four of these Pokémon (plus the Kanto regionals) can be found in their Shiny variants out in the wild.
Each Wednesday in the month of September will feature a Legendary Dinner Hour from 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. local time. Last week featured the Legendary Beasts, this week will feature Deoxys, and next week will feature Mewtwo. The week after that will feature a Pokémon that has not been announced yet.
Several new Shadow Pokémon have been added to Pokémon GO. You can now encounter the following after battling Team GO Rocket Grunts:
- Venonat
- Venomoth
- Oddish
- Gloom
- Psyduck
- Growlithe
- Abra
- Hitmochan
- Larvitar
- Turtwig
That's all for now, Trainers! Thanks for reading. And remember that Generation 5's launch in Pokémon GO is a mere five days away!