Stage 1
PROFESSOR WILLOW: Trainer, how are you? It's been a while, hasn't it? You've become quite the Trainer! I wanted to ask for your help. As you know, I study Pokémon and their habitats. I've learned a lot over the years, but recently, I've found some hints of something mysterious. I was wondering if you would help me investigate what's going on. You will? That's great! First things first, let's calibrate my instruments to your area. Could you please complete the following research tasks?
Spin 5 PokeStops
catch 10 Pokemon
transfer 5 Pokemon
Grand reward
Great ball
Egg incubator
Lure module
Stage 2
PROFESSOR WILLOW: Great. Thanks, Trainer! Now I should be able to detect anything out of the ordinary. I believe we need to be on the lookout for a Mythical Pokémon! Mythical Pokémon are extremely rare and unique, and many consider their existence to be considered mere rumor. Could you help get my equipment set up around your local habitat? This'll be a great time to take your buddy out to explore a bit and hatch some Eggs!
earn 2 buddy candies
Make 10 Great throws
Hatch 3 eggs
Grand reward
Great ball
Stage 3
PROFESSOR WILLOW: Incredible! This confirms by original suspicion. I think we're seeing evidence of Mew! A Pokémon found in a jungle far to the south that was thought to be extinct. It is so rare that many experts say it is a myth. Only a few people have seen it worldwide. Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it. My colleagues in Kanto, including my instructor, Professor Oak, spent a long time studying Mew. It looks like our findings match theirs! According to our research, Mew was said to be observed using moves of all kinds. This observation has led some of us to say that Mew is the ancestor of all Pokémon! Perhaps by studying Pokémon in battle, we'll learn more!
Reach level 15
Battle in 2 gym battles
Battle in 2 Raids
Grand reward
Fast TM
Charged TM
Star Piece
Stage 4
PROFESSOR WILLOW: Great work, Trainer! This will point us in the right direction. Did you know Mew is said to hold the genetic codes of all Pokémon? Mew's secrets could be a link to understanding the mystery of Pokémon growth and Evolution! Let's study some Pokémon Evolution to learn more about Mew!
earn 5 buddy candies
get silver kanto medal
evolve 20 pokemon
Grand reward
Great ball
Lure module
Stage 5
PROFESSOR WILLOW: Amazing. Just amazing! Isn't Evolution wondrous? I learn something new every time I see it! With the data we've collected so far, I should be able to pinpoint Mew's location! It looks like... Yes, it looks like Mew has visited your area recently! Hmm... Interesting. If that's the case, someone should have reported a sighting... Maybe Mew is hiding or disguised as another Pokémon? Let's study some other Pokémon that use these tricks and the best ways to catch them!
Catch a ditto
Make 20 great throws
Catch 10 Ghost-types
Grand reward
premium raid pass
Lucky egg
Stage 6
PROFESSOR WILLOW: Thank you, Trainer! With your help, I've determined that Mew is invisible! Let's collect some data to build a tool to find it. I have an idea... I'll need you to study some powerful Pokémon up close to help me out!
Evolve a magikarp
Reach level 25
Battle 10 Raids
Grand reward
Rare candy
Stage 7
PROFESSOR WILLOW: Nice! My prototype is functioning well. I've upgraded your AR camera with the new ability to see invisible Pokémon! The final step is to lure out Mew. Mew is said to only appear to those who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to meet it... Let's show Mew what a great Trainer you are and how excited you are to see it!
hit 1 excellent curve
catch 50 pokemon with a berry
get gold kanto bagde
Grand reward
Mythical encounter
Ultra Ball
Stage 8
PROFESSOR WILLOW: We found Mew! Awesome! This is an experience to remember forever. Now you can see why I love studying Pokémon so much! The whole world is out there to discover. So go out there and have some fun! My assistants and I will request some Special Research from you in the future. Stay in touch!
Catch mew
Reward: 4000 xp
Grand reward
Mew candy
Super incubator
SOURCE: Community Reports